Moon (3)

Lunar Eclipse 11/18-19

Lunar eclipses happen on Full Moons, when the Earth stands between the Moon and the Sun and when the Moon enters into the cone of shadow cast by our planet. When the three bodies align in such a way, our natural satellite receives less or…

By René K

Photograph the moon on your phone or camera

(With The Guardian) When a full moon rises, many people will pull out their mobile phones to try and take an Instagram-worthy picture, but unfortunately the moon is really challenging to get a great photo of. Two reasons: it is very far away and unless…

By The Guardian

Moon Facts for Kids

For thousands of years, people around the world have admired the beauty and the mystery of the Moon. Some things about the Moon remain unknown, but we’ve learned a lot over the centuries. Where did the Moon come from? It’s thought that both the Earth…

By Richard J Bartlett