Astrophotography (5)

Photograph the moon on your phone or camera

(With The Guardian) When a full moon rises, many people will pull out their mobile phones to try and take an Instagram-worthy picture, but unfortunately the moon is really challenging to get a great photo of. Two reasons: it is very far away and unless…

By The Guardian

Telescope for Beginners: Visual Astronomy or Astrophotography?

So, you’ve spent a fair amount of time researching telescopes at your local astronomy shop as well as online and you’ve skimmed through all the Internet forums and websites you could find in the hope of deciding on your first telescope. You want to observe…

By René K

Astrophotography: Shooting the Stars

Astrophotography is a word that designates a host of different techniques for taking photographs of the night sky. Astrophotography is what professional telescopes do to gather scientific data. It is also a discipline practiced by some amateur astronomers, as well as something that photographers who…

By René K

Deep Sky Astrophotography Setup

What follows is a mid/entry-level telescope-based astrophotography setup. It contains everything you will need to start shooting the skies. Below is how the Andromeda Galaxy would fit into your image using this setup (this image is heavily compressed, so details are lost). The TS Optics…

By René K

Planetary Astrophotography Setup

Capturing the planets and the Moon is the easiest way to begin in astrophotography and you don't need to live in a place without light pollution. Planetary astrophotography can be done even from a big city since the planets and the Moon are very bright…

By René K